SENSIB Thai Massage, Meditation, Stretching

Thai Massage Meditation Stretching

Achtsamkeitsmeditation fördert Konzentration, Hirnleistung und Ausgeglichenheit. Meditationskurs in Zürich bei Sensib Thai Massage
Detox für deinen Geist. Vipassana Meditation Kurs und Unterricht bei Sensib Thai Massage Zürich, Oerlikon, Kloten, Seebach, Flughafen
Vipassana Gehmeditation erlernen im Meditationskurs bei Sensib Thai Massage, Zürich
Wellness für deinen Geist. Stress abbauen, zu sich selber finden. Vipassana Meditationskurs bei Sensib Thai Massage, Zürich (Oerlikon, Wallisellen, Kloten, Flughafen)

Vipassana Meditation Classes

Read here what Vipassana is.

Vipassana Meditation Introduction Class

  • Intro
  • 15 min. guided walking meditation
  • 15 min. guided sitting meditation
  • Conclusion

This class has its focus on doing practice and will be suitable for beginners without prior knowledge as well as repetition for intermediates. We are following the style which is widely practiced throughout Thailand and we will practice on the basis of learning by doing.
Small group up to 6 students.
Primarily in German. Details are explained in english.
Booking in advance is required.

At this time only on request.

Vipassana practice for Intermediates

  • Short intro, answering questions
  • 15 – 20 min. walking meditation
  • 15 – 20 min. sitting meditation
  • Conclusion

Doing practice in a group will increase and precise your Vipassana practice. Your will power and the intensity of concentration will be strengthen. Enjoy this weekly training session with like-minded people. Basic knowledge of Vipassana is required, e. g. from our Introduction Class (see above) or from our Kick-Start Vipassana.
Small group up to 6 students. 
Primarily in German. Details are explained in english. 
Booking in advance is required.

At this time only on request.

General information

  • Read here about Vipassana
  • Arrive early to have time for preparing.
  • Wear clothing which is not too tight while sitting.
  • Mats, pillows and chairs are provided in the studio.
  • Single lessons will not be refunded if you should miss one. Vipassana and your practice is living from the routine. Allow yourself to follow these sessions and hold onto the schedule.
  • If you have questions please contact me at the coordinates below.